How to create a contact list

Before you can send Instant Messages via Internet, you have to create a buddy list with your personal contact addresses. As a precondition, your contacts need to have a

How it works:

1. In the messenger panel, click on the right mouse-button. The context menu with Messenger commands will be opened.
2. Now click on the command Add Contact.The window Subscribe will be opened.
2. Enter the exact of your contact in the input field and verify your entry by clicking on the button OK.

If your contact is currently online, a window will appear on his screen immediately. Here he can accept or reject your invitation to become member of your buddy list.
If he clicks on No you will be informed accordingly on your screen. That contact cannot be added to your contact list.
If he clicks on Yes you will get the positive feedback with the automatically generated question if you also want to be member of his contact list. As soon as you have made your positive reply, the respective symbols in your and your contact's messenger panel will be green. Now you are able to send instant messages to each other.

You can find further information under:

Messenger panel
How to create a messenger account
How to send instant messages
How to enable URL reception
How to invite buddy to use BINGOOO